Mon - Fri 8.30AM — 4PM | Sat 8.30AM — 12 Noon
+268 7632 6853

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q – Who can join SNAT SACCO?

Only teachers employed as civil servants (temporal or permanent) can join SNAT Savings and Credit Co-operative Society. This potential member must be willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.

Q – Which documents do I need to bring when joining SNAT SACCO?

  • Current Payslip
  • ID Card
  • Passport Coloured Photo
  • Proof of resident
  • ID numbers of beneficiaries
  • Name and address of two (2) next of Kins

Q – Can I join SNAT SACCO if I am a member of another SACCO?

Unfortunately, NO! You cannot join SNAT SACCO if you are member of another co-operative it is prohibited by the Cooperative Societies Act.

Q – How much is SNAT SACCO’s Joining fee?

Joining fee is E550.00 once off.

Q – What are the loan requirements?

SNAT SACCO loans are based on members ordinary savings. The following document are requirement of a loan application.

  • Current Payslip
  • 3 months Bank statement (except for short loans)
  • Member’s net pay should be within 33%